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Welcome to Opening The Doorway To Spirit. My name is Jacqueline Llewellyn and I am a

Psychic, Spiritual Medium and a Spiritual Coach with the British School of Yoga. I am also a Certified Life Optimization Coach. I work with spirit as a Light Trance Channel and I link to my main spirit guide Yang Ti Woo to bring through wisdom and inspiration from the spirit realms. I have been aware of the spirit world around me for many years and I am guided and inspired by my spirit guides, spirit helpers and angels In the spiritual realms. We work together to help all those who need guidance and wisdom and inspiration from our loved ones in the world of light. I have been working with my spirit guides since 1996 and my link with my spirit guides and spirit helpers grows stronger as we work together. I have worked as a Spiritual Platform Medium based on the South Coast in South East England and I have helped many people through my psychic and spiritual guidance readings and my trance channelled readings through my spirit guide Yang Ti Woo.

I use my spiritual gifts of Clairvoyance to see spirit and also to link into the energy vibrations around each person. I also sometimes see the colours of the Aura and this insight gives me information to pass on to the person who is receiving the message from their loved one in the spirit realms or their own spirit guide, spirit helper or angel. I work with my spiritual gift of Clairsentience to describe the persona of the loved one in spirit. I work with my gift of Clairsentience to sense the energy around each person I read for and by linking with this gift and connecting with my spirit helpers I can bring forth evidence from the spirit realms. This evidence will be information known only to the person receiving the message. I always work on a pure and humble link with my spirit guides as this brings through comfort, inspiration and helps those who are seeking answers to know that life still goes on beyond the physical veil and that our loved ones and pets are just a thought  away in the spirit realms.

My work as a spiritual psychic, medium and spiritual coach  and life optimization coach has taken me down many different pathways and I use many different ways to help people to find their own spiritual pathway.  I use my gifts to work with my spirit guides, spirit helpers and angels.  I can receive information in many different ways and by linking into my gift of clairvoyance I can see spirit around people and also sense them. Working with my clairvoyant gift I can sometimes work with the colours of the aura which can show me were there might be energy blockages which could be released. Sometimes these energy blocks can stop us from moving forward in our life situation. We often hold on to energy patterns which seem to stop us moving forward from a difficult situation or problem in our physical life. Sometimes we feel we are almost coming up  and bouncing off an invisible wall. When we work with spirit and the spiritual tools available to us we start the process of unblocking the energies and we start to release negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts and positive affirmations. This then helps us to open to our Divine pathway. 

Life at this time is Quite Stressful for many who are just starting to find out about their own spiritual pathway. Many people are looking for and seeking answers on how to make changes in their physical lives. Sometimes we feel blocked at every turn and we seem to be bouncing off an invisible wall which blocks us from moving forward. This sometimes comes from how we look at a certain situation in our lives and how we  perceive and deal with that situation. If we look at a situation with positive vibrations this starts the process of releasing and changing the situation around you. Sometimes we have spiritual experiences which we do not always understand and at other times we might just need to speak to someone about how to make changes in our lives. I use my spiritual gifts and my guidance and inspiration from my angels, spirit guides together with my knowledge as a spiritual coach and a life optimization coach to help you to find your own spiritual pathway. Maybe you might need to find out what energy vibrations might be blocking you from moving forward. I am here to help you to find a solution that is right for you and to help you in any way that I can. Opening the many different doorways that will empower you to find the answers you seek. Sometimes we have all the knowledge and wisdom within but need a small spiritual nudge to show us the way.




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